Halo, Antoine!
Nice to hear from you! Are you doing well? And your family?
21/08/2015 7:52:32 AM, you wrote:
RF> i need you're intervention as RG65 ICA manager
RF> we have some mesurer they think telemetry information are not
RF> allowed in RG65 class rules
RF> can you confirm me that all telemetry information is not specified
RF> in the rules so in accordance with introduction it is allowed
You are absolutely right: no prohibitions in the Rules, thus it is
permitted. A letter about this matter will be sent. It will say
(unless you disagree):
> An information request has been received from an RG65 skipper
> referring to the use of telemetry functions offered by contemporary
> radio systems on board of an RG65.
> In this context it is reminded that:
> 1. The very first statement in the RG65 Class Rules says:
> "The “RG-65″ is a Radio Controlled monohull development class,
> where all is allowed except what is specifically prohibited by
> these rules of measurement."
> 2. Rule 1.1.2 reads:
> "The Class “RG-65″ is a Development Class, therefore everything
> that isn’t prohibited in these Rules is permitted."
> 3. Rule 7.1 says:
> "Radio systems with 2 (two) control functions shall be used. One
> function will act only on the rudder, and the other will act
> only on the sheets."
> Thus the only reference to the Radio Equipment is given in Rule 7,
> and refers to actions on elements of the boat. Therefore this Rule
> is of no application as telemetry functions available in modern
> radio equipment do NOT produce any actions on the rudder or the
> sheets nor any other element of the boat.
> In conclusion it results that as everything that isn’t prohibited
> in these Rules is permitted, and being that any telemetry function
> is not prohibited, it follows that
> *****
> the use of telemetry fuctions available
> on Radio Equipment is permitted.
> *****
Hope this puts light on the matter!
And I wait for your conformity!
In between I'm working on the World Champ 2016. So far too many unable
to tackle it! Not France, not USA, not New Zealand, not Greece, not
Neederlands, ...
But maybe after october I may have some good news. There is a
candidate being evaluated ... and if all comes out right he will be
invited to organize it. You will get news as soon they come up!

Wish you Fair Winds!